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  • AKSIPS-123 Smart School Greater Mohali

    Affiliated to C.B.S.E, New Delhi (AFFILIATION NO. 1631316)

  • Phone No. - +91 9501173823
    +91 8847583018

    Email - [email protected]


  •  Fee Guidelines


    School Fee may be deposited Online by using School App for


    ·         AKSIPS 41

    ·         AKSIPS 45

    ·         AKSIPS 65

    ·         AKSIPS 123

    ·         AKSIPS 125


    Fee is charged bi-monthly and should be deposited by 10th of the Fee month.


    Fee payment months: April, June, August, October, December, February.


    Fee for the full year can be paid in advance if so desired. 5% concession

    will be given on tuition fee in case fee for full year is paid in advance.


    Those who do net pay the fee by due date are liable to afine of Rs. 20.00 (Twenty)

    per day


    Parents and Guardians are requested to verify/ check the fee receipt after the

    payment of dues


    In case of doubt regarding payment of dues, parents are advised to make the

    payments first, and ask for the refund later. Tsy must bring the previous receipt to  clarify their doubts


    Fee once paid will not be refunded.

    School Tuition Fee is to be paid as per fee schedule. In case the school fee is not paid for more than two months without intimation, the name of the student will be stuck off from the rolls without further notice. Readmission will be done in case of availability of seat  and after paying admission charges, as applicable and all due fees and fines. 

